[ale] shadow passwords

Lisa Chiang gt6492d at gatech.campus.mci.net
Fri Sep 11 16:05:31 EDT 1998

I have a problem with my new Suse5.3 box.  I installed suse 5.3 over Redhat 4.2
which had shadow passwords.

Now when I try to change a user's password either as the user, or as superuser
I get the following error:

user chiang not found in /etc/shadow

OK, how do I put my users into /etc/shadow?  Here's the entries for the two
users I am trying to change:

chiang:./fuKL7jlOSwA:500:500:Lisa Chiang,,,,:/home/chiang:/bin/bash
oberer:uBtyc8w6MeW7E:501:501:Rick Oberer,,,,:/home/oberer:/bin/bash

I verified that there are no entries for users chiang or oberer in /etc/shadow.

Any ideas.  Thanks.

Lisa Chiang
Georgia Institute of Technology
gt6492d at gatech.campus.mci.net

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