[ale] Q: User redirection of a remote printer back 'in my face'

John M. Mills jmills at jmills.gtri.gatech.edu
Wed Sep 2 13:47:35 EDT 1998

Hello - I have a 'printcap' question.  I use PPP and the GT 'annex' to
connect to my office desktop Linux box from my home Linux box.  I run apps
on the office desktop and want to spool print jobs back to my home to come
out on the home machine's printer.  The problem is: I don't know what to
put in the office machine's /etc/printcap entry for the 'rm=' to identify
my originating (home)  machine. 

I've tried putting env variables in my login shell, but they don't get
expanded by whatever interprets /etc/printcap.  I can't hard-code
/etc/printcap, because my originating address changes with each dynamic-IP
login.  The remote-printer entry in the office machine's /etc/printcap is: 

            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- How do I identify this?

A printer definition which would hit a specified queue at a user's
dynamically determined login host would be very slick.

Thanks for suggestions -- jmm

  John M. Mills, Senior Research Engineer -- john.mills at gtri.gatech.edu
  Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0834
        Phone contacts: 404.894.0151 (voice), 404.894.6285 (FAX)
         "The cardinal virtues of a programmer are Laziness,
            Impatience, and Hubris." -- attr. Larry Wall 

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