[ale] UNIX Question

Jacob Langseth jlangseth at esisys.com
Mon Nov 30 14:10:53 EST 1998

> I've got two lists:
> LARGE="aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg hhh iii jjj kkk"
> SMALL="aaa ccc ddd eee fff ggg"
> Solution: DIFF="bbb hhh iii jjj kkk"

> Does a method for determining this pop into your head?

Certainly not the most efficient method I'm sure, but


# SMALL must have leading / trailing space
if [ "${SMALL##* }" != "" ]; then SMALL="${SMALL} "; fi
if [ "${SMALL%% *}" != "" ]; then SMALL=" ${SMALL}"; fi

# cycle through LARGE, prepare diff list
for item in $LARGE; do
    if [ "${SMALL/ $item /}" == "$SMALL" ]; then
	diff="$diff $item"

# dump diffs
echo "differences = $diff"


For non-bash shells, ${SMALL/ $item /} can be
replaced with `echo "$SMALL" | sed "s/ $item //g"`


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