[ale] ghostscript and Red Hat 5.0

Linux Idiot esoteric at atlnet.com
Wed May 13 13:26:03 EDT 1998

David Hamm wrote:
> Tell netscape or what ever to print to a file and then run gv on the file.  If
> it displays the image then you might try printing the image by hand.

I can view the image with gv, it won't print from there either.

> On 13-May-98 Linux Idiot wrote:
> > I recently upgraded to Red Hat 5.0 and suddenly ghostscript printing
> > does not work.  I can still print simple text files via lpr filename,
> > but things like Netscape and Applix don't work.  I've checked out the
> > logfile for the printer in question and nothing seems to be wrong.  Can
> > anyone point me to where I can possibly debug this thing?  The printer
> > log file doesn't provide a lot of info and I've tried hacking the filter
> > file unix-lpr.sh to no avail.  Where else can I find useful diagnostics
> > to this problem?
> >
> > --
> > Until later: Geoffrey         esoteric at atlnet.com
> >
> > NT is secure.... as long as you don't remove the shrink wrap.
> > Want to speed up your NT box real cheap?  Replace NT with Linux...
> ------         David Hamm - dhamm at itserve.com           --------

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at atlnet.com

NT is secure.... as long as you don't remove the shrink wrap.
Want to speed up your NT box real cheap?  Replace NT with Linux...

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