[ale] MBR rebuilder ?

Nomad the Wanderer nomad at orci.com
Mon Jul 6 18:18:33 EDT 1998

  Who is a good C programmer in Dos?  I'm fed up with 95 and 98.  They
still have that "design flaw" that overwrites teh MBR... imagine that.
Anyone here willing to write a proggy that given a -r will read the 
contents of the mbr and given a -w will write it back so I don't have
to go through the rescue disk stuff to rebuild my box?  It wouldn't be
such a big deal, but I don't have a floppy in it right now...

Robert L. Harris                |   Educate the Masses,
Senior System Administrator II  |      Don't just help them to
  at Great West Life.           \_       Remain ignorant.       


      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.

 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

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