[ale] [Fwd: NT reliabilty problems solved!]
Geoffrey Myers
geof at abraxis.com
Wed Sep 3 21:29:57 EDT 1997
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Check out the url regarding this Microsoft 'solution.'
Until later:
Geoffrey Myers geof at abraxis.com http://www.abraxis.com/geof
Opinions expressed by me are mine, all mine, only mine.....
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Received: from [] by smtp1.abraxis.com (NTMail 3.02.13) with ESMTP id geof for <geof at abraxis.com>; Fri, 29 Aug 1997 16:04:07 -0400
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From: glen at substance.abuse.blackdown.org
To: 0xdeadbeef at substance.abuse.blackdown.org
Cc: bostic at bsdi.com
Subject: NT reliabilty problems solved!
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 15:59:36 -0400
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"All the thirty users interviewed complained of NT availability
concerns, stating the system often crashed for no apparent reason
and required a reboot. When Standish asked Microsoft why NT had
these availability problems, they responded stating they recently
completed a new feature: the system will now reboot 50% faster."
Quoted from the Standish group press release: see
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