[ale] Limiting TCP/IP speed to a certain host

Curtis Smith csmith at netchannel.net
Sun Oct 5 14:35:33 EDT 1997

> ?
> If that won't help, I'm open for suggestions on how to discourage this
> host from using X apps remotely and put it under the guise of a
> "network
> problem". I know this sounds a little weird, but I've got a good
> reason.
Ok, wild suggestion:

- Take 2 serial ports connected together with appropriate NULL modem,
running PPP.
- Route said user's IP range out one PPP port, 
- All traffic from the other serial PPP port goes to the said sub-net
you want to run slow.
- Manage how much bandwidth they get via setting the baud rate on the
back to back
  serial ports: 1200 baud through 115Kb




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