[ale] a great software CD for students (includes GNAT) (fwd)

John M. Mills jmills at jmills.gtri.gatech.edu
Tue Nov 11 09:20:14 EST 1997

I am forwarding this on to ALE in case anyone would be interested.I have
not used BURKS myself so I can't speak for the content (though I have
found GNAT a high-quality product and use it frequently).  I asked Mike
Feldman if an ALE announcement would be appropriate, and he said, "Sure":
(1) wider notice was fine, and "no one is checking student ID on
purchasers";  and (2) the package has been available in England for a
while and he was really announcing domestic US availability.  Without
further ado: 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 17:34:19 -0500 (EST)
 From: Michael Feldman <mfeldman at seas.gwu.edu>
To: chat at thames.gnat.com
Subject: a great software CD for students (includes GNAT)
Resent-Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 17:33:10 -0500
Resent-From: chat at gnat.com

BURKS: A Wonderful, Non-Profit, Software CD for Students
Prof. Michael B. Feldman
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
The George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052, USA
mfeldman at seas.gwu.edu

The School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) of 
The George Washington University, Washington, DC, is happy 
to announce that SEAS has become the distribution source, 
for the United States and Canada, of BURKS, the Brighton
University Resource Kit for Students. 

What is BURKS?
This wonderful CD-ROM is assembled by Prof. John English
and his colleagues at the University of Brighton, England.
It contains just about everything a student of computing 
could want: 

- compilers or interpreters for Ada 95, C, C++, COBOL, Eiffel,
  Forth, Fortran, Icon, Java, List, ML, Modula-2, Oberon, 
  Perl, Prolog, and Snobol4
- tutorials, documents, program libraries,  utilities, games
- even a Linux installer

The software--all free or shareware products--runs on Intel-family 
computers running DOS, Windows 95/NT, and Linux; sorry, there is 
no Macintosh version yet.

You can learn all about BURKS by visiting the BURKS web site
at http://burks.bton.ac.uk/

Acquiring BURKS in the United States and Canada
BURKS is intended for student use and resold on a non-profit 
basis at the single-copy price of US$6.00 (US$5.00 for the CD
plus US$1.00 for shipping and handling). Because we are not 
set up to deal with checks or charge cards, payment must be made 
in the form of a MONEY ORDER (Canadian customers, please use a
Post Office Money Order in U.S. dollars).

Send orders for ten or fewer copies, together with your
money order made out to The George Wahington Unversity, to:

  Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
  School of Engineering and Applied Science
  The George Washington University
  Washington, DC 20052 USA

Orders will be processed as they are received.

Orders of larger quantities, by bona fide non-profit 
educational institutions only, will be handled case-by-
case. Please contact Prof. Feldman at the above e-mail 


 John M. Mills, Senior Research Engineer   --   john.m.mills at gtri.gatech.edu
    Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0834
          Phone contacts: 404.894.0151 (voice), 404.894.6285 (FAX)
      "Planned Parenthood" may be the most hilarious phrase in English.

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