[ale] Linux users not known for great spelling!

David Hamm dhamm at itserve.com
Thu May 1 02:51:32 EDT 1997

Hey I'm gona rip off your signature.  OK?
On 01-May-97 Andrew Newton wrote:
>Please excuse the misspelling.  If you would like to help distribute
>fliers - as in pieces of paper announcing the Atlanta Linux Showcase -
>please contact me.  If you want to help distribute "flyers" - such
>as pilots - I'm sure something can be arranged, but while you are at
>it if you could airdrop some ALS fliers we would also appreciate it.
>Come for COMDEX, Stay for                 This message written by:
>The Atlanta Linux Showcase                           Andrew Newton
>June 7 & 8 - Atlanta, GA                            lfs at eskimo.com
>http://www.ale.org/showcase/           alnewton at automatedlogic.com
>Linus will be there, will you?          http://www.eskimo.com/~lfs

------         David Hamm - dhamm at itserve.com           --------
--    The Atlanta Linux Showcase - June 7 & 8 - Atlanta, GA      --
----------- http://www.ale.org/showcase/  ----------------

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