[ale] MindSpring Mentor

Greg Vence gvence at ix.netcom.com
Tue Mar 11 11:03:59 EST 1997

James McIninch wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Mar 1997 07:47:43 -0500, in an article from git.unix.linux.mailing-lists.ale, you wrote:
> ) Hello,
> ) I'd like to switch to MindSpring and would appreciate any help besides
> ) their "unsupported" web page.
> ) http://help.mindspring.com/modules/lnx/cfg/ppp.htm
> ) Basically, I'd like to have the home machine have a dial in schedule.
> ) Then from wherever I'm consulting, I'd like to telnet into it during the
> ) window and ftp to/from (Holding the connection open).  When I'm done
> ) and/or email has transfered, then disconnect.
> ) Any ideas?  Pointers to docs?
> I've done this. It's pretty simple...
> First, I use diald, the dial-on-demand daemon, which dials and brings up a PPP
> connection whenever my machine tries to access a host other than itself.
> I setup a crontab entry that once an hour runs a script that fingers a remote
> host, then determines the dynamic IP address (from ifconfig) and ftp's that
> to a remote machine, then it fingers periodically for a few minutes to keep
> the connection alive and then stops (dropping the connection).
This sounds like a much better config than buying a fixed ip and Domain

Would a connection(ftp/telnet/etc...) from a remote machine(office) keep
the connection open on the host machine(home)?

Which machine is determining the dynamic ip address of your 'host'? 
What happens if the remote system is also on dial-up connection and is
not on-line?

Thanx -- Greg.

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