[ale] Linux on a supercomputer

Dan Newcombe newcombe at mordor.clayton.edu
Wed Jul 30 22:48:19 EDT 1997

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Andrew Newton wrote:
> about a NIST scientist that strung together 3
> Pentium Pros to create a "supercomputer" that can
> outperform a Connections Machine and Sparcstation
> 20.  The OS he uses to do it is Linux.

No offense, but since when is a Sparcstation 20 a supercomputer, or
even a "supercomputer"???  

Still - it's cool to be able to do something like this with a free os.  I
seem to remember a project (Beowulf) to do something like that.  Was Alan
Cox involved in that, or is this too recent for him?  Perhaps he is
working on doing this with 8088 Linux (ELKS) and calling it Grendel?

Dan Newcombe                                      newcombe at mordor.clayton.edu
"The fool who escaped from paradise will look over his shoulders and cry...So
I'll hold my peace forever when you wear your bridal gown."   -Marillion

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