[ale] X2 and Linux...

William Young catbert at ding.mindspring.com
Wed Jul 30 02:10:40 EDT 1997

Nope. Only the winmodem is PnP. The WinModem, incidentally, also steals
clock cycles from your motherboard, which slows down performance.

The regular USR Sportster in *not* pnp, and Mighty Fine Product (tm)

William Young					catbert at mindspring.com| 
There is a general social trend in English-speaking countries (and most
likely elsewhere) to treat technically-educated people as the social
inferiors of non-technically educated people. This is a terrible ill
affecting our society --Bruce Perens

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, james pancoast wrote:

> 	Ok, I've been considering buying a USR X2 modem...  I've been snooping
> around the FAQ's and stuff, but was still wondering if anyone on the list
> got it to work.  The problem I've noticed so far is that the USR modems are
> all plug and play... is it just a simple matter of getting isapnptools to
> get it to work?  Any help at all would be greatly appreciated...
> ==============================================================================
> Mulder, could you please explain to me the scientific nature of, 'the whammy'?
> Do not taunt Super Happy fun ball...
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