[ale] Win OSR2

Chris Ricker gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu
Wed Dec 3 09:05:47 EST 1997

On  3 Dec, Francisco Assis de Souza wrote:
> I decided to to upgrade my Windows to OSR2 (VFAT32) and saved several
> files into my Linux partition, as it is extremely easy to retrieve them
> by mounting the MSDOS partition. After installing the new Win95 OSR2, I
> noticed Linux does not recognize the new partition. Linux fdisk
> indicates an "unknown" type of partition. Is there a means to mount it?

Go to http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/fat32.html and follow the
directions....  Basically, you'll have to download a patch for your
kernel source (unless you're running the latest development kernels),
add that, reconfigure and recompile your kernel, and reboot.


Chris Ricker                                 gt1355b at prism.gatech.edu

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