[ale] APC UPS

Bob's ALE Mail transam at cavu.com
Fri Aug 15 23:12:57 EDT 1997

This works for me, and IMHO is better than what is in the HOWTOs.  I have
extensively tested it.

Bob Toxen
bob at cavu.com
transam at cavu.com [ALE & linux-ppp]
Fly-By-Day Consulting, Inc.
"Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus" (We came, we saw, we hacked)

------------------------------- start of ups.c -------------------------------
 * ups.c: program to shut down a Linux System on an Intel 486, etc. when
 * the UPS indicates that the battery is running low during a power failure.
 * My UPS is an APC Back-UPS 1250.
 *   1. Search the source for AUINPUT and change as appropriate.
 *   2. Compile and install in /usr/local/bin (or wherever).
 *   3. Start in background near the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
 *      /usr/local/bin/ups&
 *   4. Reboot your system.
 * This program is smart enough so that if your cable breaks or is removed
 * it will not shut your system down shortly after booting.
 * Unless modified, it will voice a message to your sound board saying that
 * it is up.  You will need to supply the sound clip grab mine from
 *      ftp:ftp.mindspring.com/~cavu/ups_low.au
 * This program can be tweaked to work with any UNIX system, including most
 * System V systems, where init catches the SIGPWR signal and shuts the system
 * down.
 * On other systems, the kill(1, SIGPWR) call can be replaced with
 * system("/etc/init 0") or similar.  Adjustments to the other notifica-
 * tions, such as the wall or email notification may be desirable.
 * Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Robert M. Toxen.  All rights reserved,
 * except as noted.  Unlimited use on Linux and adhering to the GNU Copyleft
 * agreement is hereby granted so long as this copyright notice remains in
 * the source.  (Other low volume usage frequently will be granted on
 * request.)
 * You may want to enhance to shut off the UPS after the system has shut down.
 * Connections between UPS and Computer (plugs sold at computer stores)
 * UPS 9-pin pin number				Linux serial DB25
 * --------------------				--------------------
 * 4  Ground			connect to	7      Ground
 * 5  2/5 minute warning (N/O)	connect to	8 & 20 CD & DTR
 * On Linux (standard serial DTE line running the monitor program):
 *	pin	signal	color of my cable wires
 *	---	------	-----------------------
 *	7	GND	Black	(one switch contact)
 *	8	CD	Green	(other switch contact)
 *	20	DTR	Blue	(other switch contact)
 * Notes:
 * If your computer can shut down in about 90 seconds then set the UPS
 * to a 2 minute warning.  Otherwise set it to a 5 minute warning.
 * I estimate that this UPS will power my system for about  6 minutes.
 * The Linux FAQs have an alternate way of doing an automatic
 * shutdown that is much more complicated.
 * For further information contact:
 * Bob Toxen
 * Fly-By-Day Consulting, Inc.
 * 4642 Bentley Place
 * Duluth, GA 30096 USA
 * bob at cavu.com
 * +1 770-662-8321

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <syslog.h>

				 * System must be up at least 5 minutes
				 * in order for shutdown sequence to begin.
				 * This is to guard against bugs, bad cables,
				 * etc. by preventing the program from being
				 * killed within 5 minutes in case of problems.
				 * Adjust for your system.
#define	MINUP		(5*60)
				/* Email path, for notification. */
#define	MAILPATH	"/usr/spool/mail/bob"
				/* Email user, for notification. */
#define	MAILUSER	"bob"
#define	AUINPUT		"/home/bob/sounds/ups_low.au"
#define	AUDEV		"/dev/audio"
#define	AUSIZE		(8*1024)
				/* Serial device to use: change yours! */
/* #define DEVICE		"/dev/ttyS3" */
#define DEVICE	"/dev/cua3"

char	*dev	= DEVICE;
int	active;
extern	int	errno;
extern	long	time();
char	aubuf[AUSIZE];

main(argc, argv)
int	argc;
char	**argv;
	int	fd;
	FILE	*fp;
	int	fdi;
	int	fdo;
	char	chr;
	int	i;
	char	*s;
	int	was;
	long	start;
	long	lowbat;
	long	delta;
	char	*when;
	char	*ctime();

	argv[0][0] = 'B';

	open("/dev/null", 2);

	signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);

	openlog("ups", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
	syslog(LOG_INFO, "Starting");

	fd = open(dev, 0);
	if (fd < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "OPEN FAILED on %s: errno=%d", dev, errno);
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "UPS exiting");
	errno = 0;
	if (ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &was) < 0) {
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "initial TIOCMGET FAILED on %s: errno=%d",
		  dev, errno);
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "UPS exiting");
	if (!(was & TIOCM_CAR)) {
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "CD (Carrier Detect) is not initially on");
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "UPS exiting");

	syslog(LOG_INFO, "Starting initial %d minute warmup", MINUP/60);

	start = time(0);
	for (;;) {
		if (!active && time(0) > start + MINUP) {
			syslog(LOG_INFO, "Ready for power failure");
			active = 1;
		if (ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &i) < 0) {
			syslog(LOG_INFO, "ioctl failed: errno=%d", errno);
#ifdef	notdef
		if (i != was)
			  "RTS=%s DTR=%s CD=%s RI=%s DSR=%s CTS=%s\7\n",
			  (i & TIOCM_RTS) ? "YES" : "no ",
			  (i & TIOCM_DTR) ? "YES" : "no ",
			  (i & TIOCM_CAR) ? "YES" : "no ",
			  (i & TIOCM_RNG) ? "YES" : "no ",
			  (i & TIOCM_DSR) ? "YES" : "no ",
			  (i & TIOCM_CTS) ? "YES" : "no ");
#endif	/* notdef */
		if (!(i & TIOCM_CAR))
		was  = i;

	lowbat = time(0);
	delta = lowbat - start;
	when = ctime(&lowbat);

	if (delta > 0 && delta < MINUP) {
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "UPS on battery and running low");
		syslog(LOG_INFO,  "The system has only been up %ld seconds", delta);
		  "It must be up at least %d seconds to guard against bugs",
		   "We will assume a bug or cable problem and exit");

		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "UPS on battery and running low");
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "The system has only been up %ld seconds", delta);
		  "It must be up at least %d seconds to guard against bugs",
		  "We will assume a bug or cable problem and exit");

	syslog(LOG_INFO,  "UPS on battery and running low");
	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "UPS on battery and running low");
/*	kill(1, SIGPWR);		/* Possibly change for your system. */

	fp = fopen(MAILPATH, "a");
	if (fp) {
"From UPS %sFrom: UPS\nDate: %sTo: %s\nSubject: Power Failure\n\nLow battery during Power Failure @ %s\n",
		  when, when, MAILUSER, when);
	fdi = open(AUINPUT, 0);
	if (fdi < 0)
		goto didaudio;
	fdo = open(AUDEV, 1);
	if (fdo < 0) {
		goto didaudio;
	while ((i = read(fdi, aubuf, AUSIZE)) > 0)
		write(fdo, aubuf, i);

	system("echo 'POWER FAILURE: exit IMMEDIATELY' | /etc/wall&");
	s = strchr(when, '\n');
	if (s)
		*s = '\0';
	syslog(LOG_INFO, "Low battery during power failure at %s", when);
	  "The system has been up for %ld seconds (%ld minutes) min=%ld",
	  delta, delta / 60L, MINUP);
	syslog(LOG_INFO,  "Shutting down gracefully");

 * Alternate shutdown methods if kill(1, SIGPWR) does not work on your system.
	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Starting shutdown sequence now");
/*	execl("/etc/init", "/etc/init", "0", 0); */
	execl("/sbin/shutdown", "shutdown", "-t", "10", "-r", "now",
	  "Power Failure And UPS Battery Is Now Low", 0);
	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Cannot \"/sbin/shutdown -t 10 -r now reason\": exiting");

------------------------------- end of ups.c   -------------------------------

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