[ale] (fwd) Re: CDE on Linux?

Steven A. Duchene sad at i3109m.atl.hp.com
Thu May 30 21:20:42 EDT 1996

	Thought some folks on the list would find this interesting.

Newsgroups: hp.os.linux
 From: linas at aus.hp.com (Linas Petras)
Subject: Re: CDE on Linux?
Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 01:22:20 GMT
Organization: Hewlett-Packard

I've been  interested  in CDE for Linux for sometime and found that both
Redhat  Software and Metrolink  will be coming out with  versions of CDE
for Linux.  Both companies have indicated it will be available in "about
6-8  weeks".  Redhat  say their  will be both  runtime  and  development
version  available  at about  US$90 for the  runtime  and US$295 for the
development version and will be packaged with a version of Redhat Linux.
The prices are only "guides" and are not fixed yet.  Metrolink  have not
said what they will be coming out with or what the pricing will be.

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