[ale] Minilinux question.

scott.griggs at medaphis.com scott.griggs at medaphis.com
Fri May 24 10:33:51 EDT 1996

Hello all,

I just installed mini-linux on my laptop.  It doesn't have gcc bundled in and 
I'm trying to install it.  The problem is that I can only find gcc-2.7.0 and 
gcc-2.7.2 which are both ELF binaries.  When I try to run gcc i get the error
bash: /usr/bin/gcc: No such file or directory.  It is there.  I go to /usr/bin 
and run ./gcc and get the same error.  I think I can install a new kernel with 
ELF support compiled in but without gcc I can'g compile a new kernel.  This is a 
catch 22.  Anyone know where I can find an older version of gcc or get a ELF 
support in it?  Thanks for your help.

Scott Griggs

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