[ale] DNS problems

Tucker Balch tucker at cc.gatech.edu
Fri May 3 00:13:22 EDT 1996

> 	If you take a look at Olaf Kirch's "Linux Network Administrator's
> 	Guide" page 97 of the O'Reilly edition he specifically says it is
> 	a good idea to setup a caching only name server on your end of a
> 	serial line Internet connection so most name server queries only
> 	have to go over the serial line once per dialup session.

The O'Reilly books are great, but they aren't the word of God either.
Why go through the hassle?  If you follow that advice, you've got to 
setup and maintain a nameserver when you could just point to one in 
etc/resolv.conf .  It doesn't take long for the queries (I've 
certainly never noticed any slowdown).

Just put two lines in etc/resolv.conf and you're done.  Here's what
mine says:

domain gatech.edu


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