[ale] limiting access to e-mail aliases

Alexei Rodriguez alexei at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 19 08:57:31 EST 1996

Jon-Michael J. DeBona wrote:
> Is it possible to place limits on who can use e-mail aliases?  We have
> an alias that sends e-mail to every username on our system.  An unhappy
> customer figured out that he could use it and express his worthless
> thoughts about our service to everyone of our other customers.  We could
> comment it out in the alias file and uncomment it everytime we wanted to
> use it...(inconvenient)...or I guess send mail to everyone in a file.
> I've heard there is a way limit who can send mail to an alias though.
> (Sendmail 8.8.4)  TIA...

There are a few ways. You can make it a mailing list with
Majordomo and make the list moderated. That would be simplest.
You can also send the mail manually, setting the from and reply-to
with something that won't work. The mailiing list is the easiests
to do and to maintain.

Hope this helps.


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