[ale] Need Info: "Ten Time" (SST?) SCSI Controller

John M. Mills jmills at siberia.gtri.gatech.edu
Fri Apr 26 12:47:51 EDT 1996

|> 4) a bunch of jumpers, labled "ROMADDR", "ROM ENABLE", "IRQ" (I guess
|>    I can figure that one out), "I/O ADDRESSRP1" and a couple of more
|>    cryptic notes.
rd- ROMADDR is more likely the address for the ROM BIOS chip (if there
rd- is one).  0x300 is a common "I/O ADDRESS", but I don't know what
rd- the "RP1" means.

RP1 turns out to mean "resistor Pack 1" -- they just ran the lables together.
There is an RP2 also - both pullups next to the jumper headers.


John M. Mills, Senior Research Engineer   --   john.m.mills at gtri.gatech.edu
   Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0853
        Phone contacts: 770.528.3258 (voice), 770.528.7083 (FAX)
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